
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

What can we do

Hi bloggers how is it going are you guys excited because we're going
down to level three. I know I am but I just cant wait for it to go back to normal!
so here are some ideas on what we can do in the meantime you can watch a movie and if you don't already get Disney Plus  or you could play a game with your siblings if you have them go for a walk
or maybe a bike ride and if you have a park close to you then you could play soccer or what ever sport you play.
If you have any other ideas people can do a lock down please leave them in the comment section down below.
Anyway stay safe and obey all the rules!

Monday, April 20, 2020

Maths at home

Hi, guys, this is another post from school home learning.
.how is it going? Do you like working from home?
And has anything good came out of it?

we were asked to find 4 things and estimate them and then measure them
and see how we how close we got to the real measurement
hope you like it

Please tell me in the comment section below what I can do next time
and if you like it

Friday, April 17, 2020

My scratch

  Hi this my
scratch on a dog talking to a man 
and it is from a book so I hope you like it 
Can you please comment 
and tell me what I can do next time